Friday, April 19, 2013

Weatherful Days

Since my last entry, we successfully made it through the beautiful Seymour Narrows, camped out at Port Neville, and ventured on through Johnstone Strait to Port Hardy. We even saw an old Bristol Bay friend "Jim" on the Husky, while passing through Seymour Narrows. It's funny how many people we've seen since leaving Seattle. The sea tends to hold all the fisherman and sailors together. It doesn't matter where you are, you're bound to run into another salty fisherman somewhere. 
 We've been delivering salmon out in Bristol Bay to Jim since I was a young girl. He's a great guy! He's heading out to Togiak, AK for herring.
 Port Neville public dock 
 Johnstone Strait
 Port Neville 
 A little sandy beach we found zipping around on the skiff in Port Neville

 Morning coffee 

 Port Neville dock 
Our airshow near Comox
Chatham Point in Seymour Narrows-Johnstone Strait intersection

We ran into some heavy seas and wind yesterday afternoon and made it into Port Hardy before things got really ugly. The West Witch proved herself very well and now we know what she can handle. It's never a bad thing to get some adrenaline pumping through your veins every now and then. Since this large storm is passing through, we've decided to wait it out in our cozy safe harbor. We'll see what tomorrow brings but for now, we're warm, dry, drinking coffee at an internet cafe', and enjoying our time in this little Canadian fishing town. Sounds pretty good, eh? 


  1. The blog is wonderful. I miss you all very much and am glad that you are 'playing it safe'. Big hugs to you all, Mom

  2. Stay safe. Enjoy the luxury of a leisurly pace. :)

  3. We travel with you every day. Love you and wish you happy sailing.

  4. Loving your pictures -- and jealous thinking about your adventures. So thankful to get a peek into them :) Hi to everyone -- the McMahan's

  5. "It's never a bad thing to get the adrenalin pumping every now and then." God! Roger! I. Miss. You!
