Thursday, April 4, 2013


It's t-minus six days before the West Witch sways her pretty little hips in the salty Puget Sound of Washington State. It's 9:00 p.m., on Thursday night at the Lockspot Cafe'- our new favorite place in Ballard. A few miles from Shilshole Marina, the Lockspot is perfect for late night dwellers who need internet and want Jameson. Ben and I have been working away on the boat and after a long day, it's nice to get away and chill out in a fisherman's bar.

It's been interesting spending our time here lately. I've lived in Washington my entire life and always avoided the busy, coffee drinking, rainy, crazy, city of Seattle. Ballard, on the other hand, is a funky mixture of hipsters, fisherman, tons of bike riders, and sailors. Everyone's active. It's also the hub for getting anything you could possibly need for a boat. People are friendly, willing to help, and excited to hear about our adventure. People ask how long we've sailed- this is usually when Ben and I look at each other and smile- and respond by saying "a few days".

The boat is dialed. The rigging is good, leaks are sealed, new fuel system, new exhaust, new survival suits, epirb, and life raft. These are among the many things Ben and I have gotten for the boat. It's exciting, fun, stressful, and humbling. We have been given an amazing gift by my Grandparents and I'm so grateful we are taking advantage of it. We've been thrown into this new sailing world head first. With the combination of growing up fishing in Bristol Bay and love for adventure, Ben and I have filled in the gaps of learning to sail. Sometimes the best way to learn is just go for it. What a better way to learn the ropes (or should I say "lines") than embarking on a 1,500 mile trek through the Inside Passage? People think we're crazy. People are worried. There are those who also think it's really cool that we're just going for it.

A few things I've come to remember in the boat world. The list doesn't get smaller. Once a certain area or project is finished, it opens an entire new can of worms for another area or project. It's been a gamble between deciding what we really need and what would be "really sweet". The boat looks and sounds prettier and prettier everyday. Ben and I have somehow managed not to kill one another yet too. If anything, our friendship has deepened into a fun, new level. Knowing you're taking on a new journey together not only in sailing but also in marriage, is a really amazing feeling. Life is good.

So, the next thing on the list: sail with Mr. Fingers tomorrow. We've been waiting for some wind to show her face so we can get out there and absorb as much sailing knowledge as we can. Unfortunately, it's been calm and rainy the last few days. On the brighter side, it's allowed us to catch up on some loose projects that needed finishing. Pete flew in the other day and we're hoping to get one day of sailing with father-son and father-daughter. My Dad definitely has the background to answer any questions we have when it comes to sailing. So, we shall see what tomorrow brings. Think windy thoughts and dream sunny dreams.

Progress feels so so good.

                                                                Ben hoisted up on the mast


  1. I am so excited for you guys and this blog is a great way for us to mind the stoke from afar. Be safe, sail on, and we will see you in Valdez!
    -Annie & Adam
